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Tell the truth.
Northern Minnesota’s forests and lakes are the target of sulfide mining proposals that could forever change the region. Research showed a lack of awareness for the risks these mines pose to Lake Superior and the Boundary Waters.
Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness formed Mining Truth, a grassroots coalition, to help Minnesotans make informed decisions about the future of mining and the environment in their state.

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- Positioned Mining Truth as an objective, trusted resource on sulfide mining in Minnesota.
- Recruited a balanced mix of environmental groups, Minnesota businesses and cultural organizations to the coalition.
- Earned 61 news stories over a critical six-day period.
- Built a sustainable movement that continues to influence the issue, including a statement of “strong opposition” from Governor Dayton.
"The folks at Beehive have proved to be strategic and easy to work with on challenging, innovative projects. If I had a Venn Diagram for this, they’d be in the sweet spot."
— Paul Danicic, Executive Director, Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness