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- Gathered input from nearly 100 global senior leaders and employees to modernize, streamline and evolve global values and related behaviors.
- Equipped leaders to engage teams in values conversations, communicate consistently and model desired behaviors.
- Developed a year-long communication framework and activation plan to keep values top of mind for employees and people leaders.
- Introduced and integrated refreshed values into the culture across a variety of owned channels to engage employees and encourage understanding and ownership.
- Created proactive, interactive communication channels to recognize, reward and reinforce examples of values in action.

"People are loving the streamlined approach to our company values and only having 4 versus the 7. They feel much more connected to them and believe having less will be easier to remember. My team used the suggested team exercises presented to people leaders earlier this week. The exercises opened up good dialogue and discussion. Thank you for suggesting them – please know they were used and valuable.”
— Employee Feedback

"I think the refreshed values are awesome and it defines who we are as a company and as individuals. Encouraging, respecting and mentoring one another is how we exceed. I use our refreshed values to help define the person I want to be to the people I work with - it's really that simple.”
— Employee Feedback