Beehive News
100 Best Companies to Work For - Minnesota Business

Beehive News
Minnesota Business’ 100 Best Companies to Work For 2014

We are toasting another honor at the Hive this month. For the second year in a row, Beehive PR has been named one of the 100 best companies to work for by Minnesota Business magazine. We are particularly excited about this award because it is based on personal feedback from our team. We are focused on creating an energized culture where our team can stretch, grow and do positively brilliant work for our clients. We love to see that commitment recognized by the marketplace. “We invest a lot of time and attention in making Beehive a great place to work,” said Nicki Gibbs, vice president of strategy. “We know that to be a game-changing partner to our clients we must provide a work environment that whole-heartedly supports our team and allows them to play to their strengths.” We are honored to be counted among Minnesota’s best places to work. Congratulations to all of the other companies that also made the list.